Inn of Appetite

Eat, gentlemen, eat, this inn of appetite is yours,
Eat until you're full, until you sneeze, until you burst!
Take stock of all these delicate gentlemen around
Lineage, nobility, honor, games, weddings, mansions, palaces,
All yours, gentlemen, manors, castles, brides, processions;
All yours, all yours, ready-made, easily...

Eat, gentlemen, eat, this inn of appetite is yours,
Eat until you're full, until you sneeze, until you burst!
Even if greatness is a bit heavy, digestion is not harmed
It has the pride of grandeur, the joy of revenge.
This table hopes for your favor.
These heads, brains, livers, all these bloody morsels are yours...

Eat, gentlemen, eat, this inn of appetite is yours,
Eat until you're full, until you sneeze, until you burst!
The poor country gives, it gives whatever it has, its goods
Its body, its life, its hope, its dreams
All its openness, all its enthusiasm.
Swallow it up right away, don't think about what's forbidden, what's permissible...

Eat, gentlemen, eat, this inn of appetite is yours,
Eat until you're full, until you sneeze, until you burst!
This harvest will end, grab it and go!
Tomorrow you'll see today's crackling fire goes out!
Today's stomachs are strong, today's soups are hot,
Nibble, gobble, grab, plate by plate...

Eat, gentlemen, eat, this inn of appetite is yours,
Eat until you're full, until you sneeze, until you burst!

Tevfik Fikret

Translated by: Mehmet Barın Erturan
Click for the original text