Tevfik Fikret

Tevfik Fikret, was born as Mehmed Tevfik on December 24, 1867, in Istanbul. He graduated as the top student from Mekteb-i Sultani (Galatasaray High School - The Imperial College) and later worked as a Turkish Language teacher in the same school. After resigning from Mekteb-i Sultani, he initially started publishing his own magazine called Malumat and later began writing for the Servet-i Fünûn magazine, where he played a significant role. In 1896, he started teaching Turkish at Robert College and continued in this position until his death.

Fikret, who embraced contemporary thought and artistic understanding in his poems, also exhibited an innovative attitude in terms of language and form. In his poetry, he addressed societal issues, the inner world of individuals, and love, sometimes employing a critical tone. Emphasizing national and spiritual values in his poetry, Fikret criticized social problems, reflecting the social and political structure of the period. His poems influenced many from politicians to army officers and also those who would eventually go to create the Turkish Republic like Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. He passed away on August 19, 1915, in Istanbul.

You can click here to learn about Fikret's house and museum "Aşiyan"
About Tevfik Fikret:
A Great Ottoman Patriot and Teacher